Sudoku! HD for iPad

4.5 ( 9085 ratings )
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Utvecklare: Aun Taraseina
0.99 USD

★★Sale!! 50% off for a limited time only

Sudoku! HD for iPad is an easy to use iPad application with tons of features and puzzles to keep you entertain for hundreds of hours. Sudoku! HD for iPad is build for the iPad from the ground up, supporting all 4 orientations so you can be sure you will enjoy every minute playing Sudoku! HD.

Sudoku! HD Features
* Comes with 20,000 Sudoku puzzles, each puzzle has only one solution
* Online and local Leader Board Time
* Support all 4 iPad orientations
* Unlimited Undo and redo
* 5 Different Difficulties
* Save and Resume automatically
* Includes Sound effect and game Music
* Automatic Notes
* 3 Hints per puzzle
* Puzzle Validation
* Game Customization such as Show Repeated numbers, Smart Buttons, Smart Note and the ability to disable cell coloring

From your friendly devs at
Mayan Games :)